The goal of this protection is to " spaghettify " the code execution flow while keeping its original functionality. That means the code should execute the same original tasks and instructions while providing a numbers of new proxy flow within the method.
The new method flow is meant to prevent hackers from understanding the method flow with ease.
Copy // RegExTester.frmMain
// Token: 0x06000033 RID: 51 RVA: 0x00003548 File Offset: 0x00002548
private void testButton_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e)
if ( this . testButton . Text == "Test [F5]" )
this .StartTest();
return ;
if ( this . testButton . Text == "Stop [Esc]" )
this .AbortTest();
Copy // RegExTester.frmMain
// Token: 0x06000039 RID: 57 RVA: 0x000069D4 File Offset: 0x00004BD4
private void testButton_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e)
if ( this . testButton . Text == "Test [F5]" )
goto IL_20;
goto IL_F5;
int num2;
int num4;
for (;;)
IL_2B :
int num = num2;
uint num3;
switch ((num3 = ( uint )(( ~ ( ~ num) * - 1298256071 ^ 691573724 ) - 2137251886 + num4)) % 6u )
case 0u :
goto IL_F5;
case 2u :
return ;
case 3u :
goto IL_20;
case 4u :
this .StartTest();
num2 = ( int )(num3 ^ 548416123u ^ 507462520u );
num4 = ( int ) Program . CALLCONV [ 62 ];
continue ;
case 5u :
this .AbortTest();
num2 = ( int )(num3 - 4138857096u ^ 1633831253u );
num4 = ( int ) Program . CALLCONV [ 63 ];
continue ;
break ;
return ;
IL_20 :
num4 = 1904912783 ;
num2 = - 826226997 ;
goto IL_2B;
IL_F5 :
num2 = (( ! ( this . testButton . Text == "Stop [Esc]" )) ? - 2143424651 : - 1760466103 );
num4 = - 1100246372 ;
goto IL_2B;